Aliia Roza
- Photographer: Victoria Sirakova (@victoriasirakovaphotographer)
- Model: Aliia Roza (@aliiaroza)
- Teen Model: Platon (@Platonsdreams)
- Hair by: Zukhra Akhmet (@zuzu.visage)
- Make-up by: Zukhra Akhmet (@zuzu.visage)
- Accessories by: Lada Legina (@ladalegina)
- Aliia Roza styled by: Nilufer Satorius (@nilufersatorius)
- Aliia Roza dressed by: Lada Legina (@ladalegina)
- Platon styled by: Nilufer Satorius (@nilufersatorius)
- Platon dressed by: Each x other (@eachxother)
- Location: Chinese Theatre TLC Los Angeles, Hollywood Sign
Aliia Roza: "We moms need to bring our A game back."
01. Dear Aliia, please introduce yourself to our GLAM MOM MAGAZINE readers.
Hello dear ladies,
My name is Aliia Roza, I am a women empowerment coach and a former secret agent working to stop human and drug trafficking of underage kidnapped girls. I produce TV shows about women transformation, the book and podcast about my life being a spy is coming soon. I share knowledges which I learned in the most secret and private academy in the world to women who are going through a difficult time like me before. These techniques help to heal after traumatic experience, become confident, stronger, empowered, help to win any negotiations in the business, build strong loyal relationships. My beloved son Platon is 13 years old; we lost his father when Platon was born and since then I have been raising my son alone. We lived in Europe: London, France, Italy, Switzerland and Greece but two years ago we moved to Los Angeles.

02. You are an awarded influencer, how does it feel?
It feels good and at the same time I feel a big responsibility to use my privilege wisely and empower more women especially the younger generation. I believe that they need real stories that can motivate and inspire them to grow. By sharing our experience, we can show them that anything is possible and every dream can become a reality if you focus on your goals and stay kind to others.
03. Can you tell us more about your KGB seduction technique. We moms need to bring our A game back.
Seduction is an art and it’s possible to craft this skill till the moment it become automatic. Seduction it’s not about the way your look, it’s the way you carry your charisma, personality, sexuality, it’s your attitude to other people, your authenticity.
But once you learn the art of seduction you will easily motivate and inspire your man to do the best for your family. Correct admiration and support will stimulate your man to be the best version of himself: to be stronger, healthier, wiser, wealthier and happier. Seduction is a very soft and gentle influence that a man should not notice. They used to teach us that a man is the head and woman is the neck – where the neck moves the head follows. Every man needs the ‘Muse woman’ who will be his partner, lover, friend and mother – all these characteristics in one.
04. Your son is always with you; does he want to be in the spotlights? What are his ambitions?
Oh yes, my son is my best friend, we are like two peas in a pod, traveling the world together. We’ve lived in London, Paris, Greece, Italy, Switzerland and we decided to move to Los Angeles because he told me that he wants to be an actor. I always encourage him in his dreams. I tell him that whatever profession he chooses he always must know that I will support him all the way. My mission is to give him a good education so he can use his skills and knowledge in the future.

05. How hard is it to combine your busy life with being a mom?
You know it’s getting easier and easier every day; teenagers are very independent and very fun. When he was a little boy, it was much harder to work full-time and travel but believe me it’s getting easier day by day. Now I really miss him being a little boy, kids grow so fast, enjoy those precious moments.
06. Isn’t it dangerous to publicly announce that you are an ex- Russian spy and what are the reactions mostly?
Honestly, I’m not scared of anything at all, and I believe it is my mission to protect people as I was taught from early age. I was a hero in Russia, together with my team we saved over 500 underage girls being kidnapped for sex trafficking.
Unfortunately, I receive some nasty emails, but only from men telling me I should not share seduction techniques with women because I teach how to control men. I give women power over men. But I understand these men are just lazy and narrow minded, because they don’t want to put in the effort to treat a woman nicely. They don’t understand that everything depends on women. Only women can motivate and inspire a man to go win. Only women give an energy and love to a man; she is a muse, a creator of a family and a future generation. Only with the woman who knows how to influence her man may he become successful, wealthy, stable, strong, purposeful and loyal.
07. We know you have big plans, what’s next on your list?
Oh, I work on many projects to share my psychological techniques in the most suitable way for my ladies. My handbook about “Programming men” is out and you can read it online now. I will share secret programming techniques which were taught to me when i was prepared to become a spy.
- how to arise a sexual desire from your man at any time you need
- how to make him fall in love with you deeper
- how to make him to forget other women and stay faithful
- how to make him think about you only
- how to return passion and love.
It’s very exciting! I feel blessed and grateful!

08. Share with us something the world doesn’t know about you as a mom.
Sometimes I feel guilty that I am not a good enough mom, especially when I work too much and don’t cook every day or don’t pick him up from school every day, but I try to do my best. I feel guilty that I am raising my son alone and couldn’t find a good father figure. I feel guilty that my son doesn’t have sibling … but I speak with my son and explain everything to him. I feel he understands and supports me. And therefore, I feel we have a strong connection and respect to each other.
09. Who’s your biggest inspiration?
Brave, strong, wise, kind, and philanthropic women who use their power to make the world a better place like:
1. Oprah Winfrey
2. DR. Ruth
3. Princess Diana
10. How was your shooting day and experience in LA with the team of “Glam Mom Magazine”?
It was so much fun when we were shooting in front of the famous sights of Los Angeles: Hollywood Sign and Chinese Theater. All the tourists were looking at us taking pictures of us as. We had fun. Thank you Glam Mom Magazine.
Feminism - A fight for gender equality
Nina's Story
Dear Glam Mom Readers,
As a Western European woman in 2023, I first want to thank all the strong women in earlier days, who prepared the way for me and all the other currently living women. There was a time that must have been awful for being a woman. And there are of course still parts in the world where I prefer not to live as a woman.
I always was treated with the same rights as my brother, or like the boys in my class or my husband. There has never been a situation in my life where I felt like men in general do have more power than me. I studied math, biology and educating in Germany, so that I also got an academic point of view. In my subjects there, there were very different ways of talking about feminism and women’s equality. In math there are few women and a lot of men in the upper positions, but I never had the feeling that anybody is interested in my gender. I just studied like all the other students and if my performance was good, I got good grades. It really felt equal. Biologists were also not interested in your gender while talking about your performance, but they never denied that there are obvious differences between men and women. It was also normal to talk about what these differences may cause for one’s own character or way of living. Being a student in education however was very different. Feminism there is a big topic. You should always remind yourself of choosing the right words, to take care of gender equality. One point is to always mention the female and the male word instead of just choosing the general used one for a group, which is the male version – for talking and for writing. And even if this male language would never upset me, I get the reasons behind the wish of changing it. If there are female students who don’t feel equal, we should do anything to help them feel equal, because this really is the point. You just can be equal when you actually feel equal.

But this also is one of my struggles with the German way of feminism. I do have my difficulties with feminism being omnipresent in every aspect of life. Let me explain why. While we are still fighting for a better world for all women, there are growing up young women right now. And we teach them that they must fight for equal rights. They get the point, but they also understand that they are not equal yet. Maybe they would never have gotten that feeling of inequality without feminism. Maybe they are growing up like me with parents that don’t care if their child is a girl or a boy and just support the child in the best way. This could already give a girl the feeling of equality and this feeling could be just so normal for a young lady, that she never worries about having problems in today’s society. Sometimes feminism nowadays itself creates the problem. For example, there are these girls, who just feel equal and then someone tells them “You are beautiful with this nice haircut “. And for the girl it is just a compliment about her hair and for the person it is just a compliment about the hair. But then there are feminists, who explain to the girl that this compliment is sexist and just about her being a young woman serving a cliché in a male dominated world. You see, now the compliment is a problem. And probably this young girl will have a problem with every compliment in the future, even if the compliment has no sexist meaning at all but just was meant to be a nice compliment. There you go: feminism made the world more difficult for this little girl. I go a little bit further. There are “girls’ things” and “boys’ things”, that you are not allowed to call “girls things” or “boys things”. And I really think this is correct. I am a fan of not teaching my kids about what is “girls’ stuff” or “boys’ stuff”. But I see a lot of feminists that say the same but still have a problem, if the girl really likes “girls’ stuff”. They say their girl is allowed to play football but are disappointed if the girl wants to do ballet. And this is just wrong in the opposite way. Feminism can’t be about restricting women just in another way. Feminism should be about giving all the girls the permission to be confident about what they like and what they want. This is one of the biggest problems I have right now about feminism in 2023 in Western Europe. As a woman you can’t be a feminist while fitting in old stereotypes. And in my opinion, that’s wrong. It’s just fine to like pink, to prefer dancing over other sports, to wear dresses and even to focus more on family than on career. You still can see the point of feminism; you still can want equal rights and you still can feel equal while preferring to be a stay-at-home mom.
On the one hand there are the feminists who judge people that don’t follow all their feministic expectations and on the other hand there still are people who prevent women from feeling equal. It is impossible to feel equal if there are men in your life, who prove to you that you aren’t. This is not just about violence and abuse but also about attitude and power. It’s impossible to feel equal, if a man uses violence or power to get what he wants. It is impossible to feel equal if you earn less money than the guy next to you, just because you are a woman even though you are doing the same. And of course, there are still a lot of other problems.
So, what is the best way of fighting against inequalities? The feminism in Germany still fights a lot. It really is about changing the way of thinking. As a man you should think about your language and attitude. As a woman you should behave like a fighting feminist. As a company you must give equal rights by law. Means, you must satisfy a Women’s quota. And it doesn’t matter if there are equally qualified candidates for a job.
Is this the good way? Maybe it is. Because I see how successful this way can be. Feminism already had the power to change a lot. And maybe it’s fine to make some parts extremely, so it can change faster. Maybe it is ok to discriminate against men and give women higher and not just equal chances in the job market than men. Because that is what the German quota for women does. Maybe that is ok, because it will give so many women a better position. Maybe this could give them the power to change the world faster. Maybe the only possible way to fight the system is a hard one. However, I hate this quota for women even though I’m female myself. For me it is written down by law, that women are not equal. For me the quota just says: “It is impossible for you as a woman to get a job without this quota.” I really feel like I have the chance to get every job I want. And if there is a man better qualified than me, I would feel terrible to get the job instead of him, just because I am a woman. Here you see me as a math student, where I always felt equal.
Me as a biology student focuses on the biology problems. Men and women are not the same and will never be. Women can get pregnant, and this difference will never change and will always influence the person’s life. Becoming a mother still affects a woman’s job much more than becoming a father. Even if the family wants everything as equal as possible, the woman will have the pregnancy and the birth. And this always means a risk for companies and employers. And what if the women not just feel equal but also really feels like a mom? I had this feeling so much, I wanted to have it all. I wanted to breastfeed, and I wanted to care for my child 24/7. I would have been heartbroken to give my child to daycare within the first few months. Fortunately for me it was possible, so I stayed with my kids for a long time. And that’s almost like the nail in the coffin for your own career. Of course, it is still possible to work and to build something up, but I lost 5 years of work experience compared to a man of my age. Let’s ask the social science student: Maybe a female quote is a good idea to overcome the disadvantages a woman has in her working life.
So probably I am not a typical feminist and I do have some problems about the way feminism is acting right now but I really feel equal, and I want this feeling for every woman in the world. I don’t judge feminist developments but sometimes it is just not the way I would choose. I think the best way is to put effort in the generation we are raising. To raise people in a way of thinking is much easier than changing people in their thinking. I raise two boys and I will also raise different children as a teacher. I will be careful to refrain from stereotyping and reinforce the strengths and talents of the boys and girls. I will pay attention to unequal thinking, gender roles and sometimes I will talk about these topics specifically. This, by the way, is a goal for the whole next generation. For the boys and the girls. And right now, I see a lot of mothers, fathers and teachers take care of those things while raising the next generation. So maybe we will have a strong society, that lives gender-equal and without stereotypes in the future. And maybe it will be just normal for them, because they were raised like this and had this thinking their whole live.
Maybe some of you are also helping to raise a gender-equal next generation at home, too?
Thanks for reading and kind regards,
Nina Winter
Mom of the Month
Justyna Szewczyk
“Being a mother, a wife and sports enthusiast at the same time can be quite a challenge.”
My name is Justyna, I am 38 years old, born in Poland but living in Belgium for 12 years now. I am a mother of two girls, 6 and 9 years old and have been co-running a Polish School EduGandawa in Ghent for the past 7 years. In addition to this, I work professionally as a sales representative, I like to cook, dance and listen to a (very) loud music in a car.

Finding balance in managing so active life can be difficult, especially because the children need plenty of attention and care. Being consistent in spending quality time with both daughters while juggling the responsibilities is a huge learning curve. It is a challenge that I have accepted with both ups and downs.
One of my greatest passions is sports. I particularly enjoy running and shaking that ass during Zumba classes. I love the feeling of freedom, instant happiness and power that these activities give me. It is a way to clear my mind, get back in shape, and feel good about myself. Recently, I participated in a couple of major running events, including the Sofico Ghent Marathon (distance of 11 km) and the 10 miles in Antwerp. I am incredibly proud of myself for overcoming my own weaknesses and being able to push myself further than I ever thought possible. Just two years ago, I couldn’t run for more than a minute without feeling completely out of breath, and now I am able to run over 10 km comfortably and I started to even think about running a half marathon. It feels amazing to see how much progress I have made and to know that I am capable of achieving more in the future. It is a journey of self-discovery that requires courage and determination.

Aside from sports, I am also involved in the Polish community in Belgium. For the past seven years, I have been co-running EduGandawa that helps children from Polish families to maintain their language and cultural heritage. It is a very rewarding task but also takes up a significant amount of time. It’s a labor of love, as I want to ensure that my daughters, and other Polish children in the area, have access to their language and culture.
Let’s be honest, finding time for myself is tough. I frequently get anxious about feeling like I’m neglecting my family’s needs. I learned though that taking care of myself is just as important as caring for my dearest – that’s why I make time for my hobbies. It helps me feel fulfilled and engaged so that I can be energetic for my family.

Biggest question of them all is … how to find a balance?
I’ve discovered that the key to balancing everything is to prioritize, plan ahead, and stay flexible. There will always be unexpected obstacles, but being able to adapt and adjust to change is crucial. I also make sure to involve my family in my activities whenever possible, so that they feel included and a part of my pursuits.
That’s right, being a mother, wife, and working woman while still pursuing your hobbies and passions isn’t easy, but it is achievable. It requires dedication, motivation, and a willingness to prioritize and manage your time effectively. With the right mindset and approach, you can find the perfect balance between your obligations and your passions and be the best version of yourself. Just keep it up!
From USA with Love
Sophie's Story
Hi, my name is Sophie Declerck, I’m 29 and mom of 1 lovely daughter ‘Alix’, 3 years old and my hubby’s name is Michel. I grew up in a small town near Ghent with my family. I have amazing parents who gave me the best education, love, and protection I could ever had. Also, I have a good bond with my twin brother, Simon. I ended up studying in Ghent, got my bachelor’s degree in Events. I loved organizing events and after that I’ve been working for a while in the Real Estate industry. I discovered a passion for interiors and real estate. Also, I love to be in contact with people and putting a smile on others faces.

When I was 24, I’ve met my husband. I always knew I wanted to become a mom and since my husband is 10 years older, we decide to start a family. Unfortunately, I had a difficult pregnancy because of severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum and had to stay most times in the hospital but I stayed positive because I knew in the end that we would have a beautiful daughter. Hereby I would like to say to all mommy’s struggling with Hyperemesis, it will be fine in the end. I had the chance that doctors believed me and helped me out in an amazing way day and night– thank you UZ Ghent! My pregnancy journey wasn’t how I expected it but thanks to my mom, my best friends and husband, I was able to stay strong. Still the impact of Hyperemesis is so underestimated. But on the positive side: Alix was born June 2019 – a beautiful and 100% healthy girl – since I had to recover from my pregnancy – both mentally and physically, my husband and I decided that I could start working for the company of Michel. I started doing administration and not long after I got the chance working in sales. Their company Allinox is distributing and manufacturing cookware. Last year the family wanted to set up a subsidiary in USA and we did market research for about 1,5 years to see if the USA was a suitable market and it was! We decided to move to USA to set up the company, Allinox USA (we distribute a new cookware brand named Alva Cookware).
We live in Tampa, Florida. The biggest difference between living in Tampa and Belgium is that in USA people are more open and straightforward. Next to this, the weather! Most of the time it is sunny here. But I love both countries and I can say that my roots and heart are still in Belgium. When we arrived in Tampa, we didn’t know anyone but luckily everyone was so friendly, and I had the chance to meet another mom at a playground – she introduced us to her friends, and we started doing Pilates & Yoga. Many of her friends also moved from other countries or states so everyone knew what it feels to totally start over in a new country. Till today, we meet up each week with these amazing people! Of course, moving abroad was quite a big step and a wonderful journey but also an emotion rollercoaster since you go out your comfort zone. But I think you also grow a lot as a person if you go out of your comfort zone but still now, I’m proud we are trying and I’m curious what the future will bring…
I love my job and doing business but being a mother is also a fulltime job, not every day is a happy day but seeing your child smiling and being happy gives me an instant good feeling. Luckily, With Alix, I have an exceptionally strong bond and I am incredibly proud of the person she is. She fills my heart every day.
The Fallen Angels Gent
Women’s empowerment in a mother-daughter relationship
The Lawyer Mom: Dagmara's Story
Hi! Let me to introduce myself. My name is Dagmara Dubiel and I’m a lawyer specialized in family law. I specialize in divorce, child custody and property settlements. I also practice traffic law and criminal law and help companies with debt recoveries and their general terms and conditions.
Besides being a lawyer I’m a proud mom of two. My daughter Lilia is almost four years old and my first-born son Leon turns six in October. There’s a 20-month age gap between them. I’m also married to David, who’s a psychotherapist, for almost 10 years now.
To capture some memories and have some (noisy but wonderful) family time we did a beautiful family photoshoot with our children at the Kalmthoutse Heide with the talented photographer Iryna Kolotova from “Green Muse Photography” (

In today’s article I would like to talk about a subject that is very important to me as a woman and a mother of a girl, and that is women’s empowerment.
The mother-daughter relationship is one of the most important relationships in a woman’s life. A positive and healthy mother-daughter relationship can help a woman to build confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose in life. On the other hand, a negative and unhealthy mother-daughter relationship can lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and a feeling of being unloved and unworthy.
I think that women’s empowerment is definitely not limited to just the workplace or the society. It is something that should also be present in the relationships that women have, especially in the mother-daughter relationship. A strong and healthy mother-daughter relationship can inspire and empower women to achieve success in all aspects of their lives.
In my case, just like in the most of the other women’s cases, mothers tend to be the primary caregivers and role models for their daughters. We have a significant influence on our daughter’s sense of self, self-worth, and self-confidence. Therefore, it is important for us as mothers to be aware of our own behavior and how it can impact our daughters.
We should encourage our daughters to pursue their dreams and passions. We should be supportive of their choices and help them to develop their talents and skills. We should also provide our daughters with a safe and nurturing environment where they can freely express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.
Daughters, on the other hand, should learn to respect their mothers and appreciate their efforts and they should also learn to set healthy boundaries and assert their independence in a respectful and responsible manner.
A healthy and empowering mother-daughter relationship can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for women to achieve success in their personal and professional lives. When women have a strong support system in the form of their mothers, they are more likely to take risks, pursue their dreams, and overcome challenges.
Women, like me and you, who have achieved success in their chosen fields can serve as role models for other women. They can share their stories of success, struggles, and challenges and inspire other women to overcome their own obstacles and pursue their goals. They can help women to develop their skills, build their networks, and overcome challenges.
In my opinion, women’s empowerment is not just a societal issue, but also a personal and relational issue.

In conclusion, our daughters can find inspiration and empowerment in their relationships with us, their mothers, other successful women, and female mentors and coaches. A healthy and empowering mother-daughter relationship can serve as a foundation for women to achieve success in all aspects of their lives, which is very important.
When women feel empowered and supported, they are more likely to pursue their dreams, take risks, and overcome challenges, which is something we definitely should pursue.
To all the mothers who have daughters: May you empower and inspire your daughters to pursue their dreams, break barriers, and make a positive impact in the world.
Xoxo Dagmara
Follow me on Instagram:
Our Heritage
Kamilla's Story
Let’s start with the fact that men and women are equal. Unfortunately, this fact is still too often being held for theory. Gender equality and feminist history is a complicated issue.
European culture (and not only ours) has been based on the bible which considers Eve as the one who brings into temptation. The woman is tempted by a talking serpent to eat the forbidden fruit, and gives some to the man, who eats also. This is why Adam and Eve have been expelled from the Garden of Eden. What we have today is the result of the heritage which has been passed down for centuries. Throughout the Middle Ages the key role of all women was that of a mother or child bearer.

My point of view
Definitely I dislike the patriarchal system or any kind of female discrimination in our society. Men in control of all aspects, men being the dominant and privileged sex. Men deciding about politics and our economics. Seriously? Men are in charge of most things and we only have wars, crises, recessions and don’t forget about hunger and malnutrition which are unfortunately still not banned from our world.
A modern man
On the other hand, I notice the lack of manners and etiquette when I look at modern men. Not all of course, don’t get me wrong, it’s not my purpose to stereotype. What strikes me is that men these days are losing their masculine charm and becoming more and more feminine. Personally, I don’t feel comfortable next to a male that wears more makeup than I do. I am not an export of male psychology, but I find all that metrosexual stuff showing up a bit weird. Further we have a lack of decisions, cowardice, lethargy.
Final opinion
I yell a hard NO to any kind of human oppressions and exploitations. Further I am definitely in favor of giving girls and women around the world opportunities to decide and grow in every aspect of life. From birth control, healthcare, access to education, to economic equality of course. Yet, I appreciate the vital characteristics of a man, such as strength, braveness, sense of adventure, good manners, courtesy, politeness and respect. Too much to be true, I guess. Let men keep their attributes – the art of manliness. I am definitely not a feminist but also not the opposite, anti-feminist. This should be a domain of common sense.
And what do You think?
With love and regards!
Kamila Janiszewska
Follow me on Instagram
How little Tillie was attacked violently by family dog
Tillie's Story
Our beautiful littleTillie was attacked violently out of the blue by our family dog.
It was around 10:30am in the morning, we woke up and done our usual routine,
Tillie had eaten breakfast & like always Nayla was always fed outside so she too had had her breakfast.
Tillies was in the living room with the baby gate closed, i would never leave the dog and baby in the same room unattended, as iv opened the baby gate the dog had followed in behind me and as i sat down on the sofa.. Nayla had sat down next to my legs, Tillie was on the other side of Nayla standing there watching TV, minding her own buisness.
Tillie was not touching Nayla at all when the attack happened, I saw it first hand… Nayla had just turned her face and unprovolky started attacking Tillie,
I was in sear panic and was screaming No at the dog, tryning to get her mouth open when finally Nayla let go.

When she let go i did not hesitate to throw her in the garden away from us. I called 999 straight and the ambulance team got to us within 10 minutes, Tillie was then airlifted straight to The Royal London Hospital were Tillie had undergone extensive surgery to reconstruct the left side of her face. Tillie was being operated on for over 8 hours and was currently in intensive care for 9 days, Tillie under went a blood transfusion on theTuesday and was currently being managed by the critical care team, max fax team and the plastics team.

The hospital have advised this is one of the most severe cases of Tillies kind they have seen and Tillie is one of the youngest patients they have worked on in this nature, she is also very lucky to be here today, all this aside Tillie is showing everyone what a true warrior and fighter she is and is showing great progress and being her happy little self day by day.
Tillie spent a total of 7 weeks in hospital leaving on 4th March.