Elena Ballerini
- Photographer: Sara Galimberti (@saragalimbertiphotographer)
- Model: Elena Ballerini (@elenaballeriniofficial)
- Kid Model: Alberto Emanuele Ghini
- Hair by: Paolo Di Pofi in collaboration with Hairdreams (@hairdreamsofficial)
- Make-up by: Paolo Di Pofi (@duepontisc)
- Clothes by: NOIKIKA (@noikika)
- Shoes by: Queen Helena Shoes (@queenhelenashoes)
- Location: Due Ponti Sporting Club Roma and Atelier Neri (@duepontisc)
Elena: "A smile is the most powerful weapon in the world."
01. Dear Elena please introduce yourself.
I’m Elena Ballerini and I’m an Italian tv presenter but first of all I’m the mom of Emanuele. My son is 3 years old and he is my biggest supporter. My greatest way of defining myself is through his steps in the world.

02. How is your relationship with your son, is he a mommy’s boy or daddy’s boy?
He loves his father too, but he is totally in love with me. A glance is enough to understand each other and ours is a healthy symbiosis. We are a very close family and then when all 3 of us hug each other Emanuele exclaims “thanks Mom and Dad … thanks for us”.
03. You are Italian, do you always sing in Italian, or can we also expect English songs?
So far, despite being born as a singer, I had better luck with TV and I had the possibility to host and take part at Tv shows on the prestigious Italian Rai networks. This year, however, in September finally I will have the opportunity to see my biggest dream, the music, come out of the drawer that I have kept for years in a corner of my heart where it did not make too much noise. After that I will sing even in English because I have a big project in London in 2023.
04. Who is your hero and why?
My hero is my father. My father taught me the value of courage: you can also be afraid, it is right to have it, but with courage you go everywhere. He never gave up, not even in the face of illness. He also taught me that the smile is the most powerful weapon in the world.
05. If there was one thing you could change in this world, what would it be?
The stubborn human tendency not to know how to stop, to seek a desperate way to control their time without thinking about all that remains.
I am very worried about the excessive use of technology which tends to diminish the most authentic emotions. We have forgotten the possibility of not always being reached everywhere. our phones are a constant contact that rings in the universe and closes us in a space accessible to all.
06. Do you have anything special to share with your Glam Mom readers? We love exclusive news or let’s say some good news.
I’m so happy for my involvement in one of the leading programs in Italy has been made official: “Tale e Quale Show”. It is still too early to talk about it, but I can say that I am over the moon and I thank Carlo Conti and his wonderful team for having considered me up to par.
07. Is the relationship with you and your son similar to yours and your mothers?
I believe that every relationship is unique and inimitable. I remember that from an early age my mother talked to me about this boundless love one feels for one’s children. I imagined it a lot and then on 8 December 2018 I was able to look this absolute love in the eyes of my son. The greatest similarity that I find by combining the two relationships is our mutual habit of deepening: my mother, just like me, leafed through the pages of books for hours on topics that interested me to further develop my curiosity and increase my knowledge.

08. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
I give my baby a kiss. We hold hands for a while and we fantasize about everything we will do during the day imagining only positive things. Then a shower, I apply a moisturizer and breakfast all together.
09. Name three things you LOVE about being a mom?
Being a mom means feel a love so great that it takes your breath away, share every single moment as part of an indissoluble union, be able to cherish every dream and be able to help him to grow up.
10. How was your experience during the shooting for Glam Mom Magazine?
It was an exciting and amazing experience. The poses become natural when you are mother and child and together everything is easier. We had some funny moments with our great photographer Sara Galimberti, and our fabulous hairstylist Paolo di Pofi at our loved sporting Club Due Ponti in Rome.
I am so proud to be on a cover with my baby of such a prestigious international magazine where the focus is on the most magical relationship in the world: those between mother and child. Thank you very much to the wonderful team of Glam Mom Magazine.
Eleonora Kasumyan
Hi, my name is Eleonora Kasumyan. I’m 34 years old, born in Sochi, raised in the Netherlands. Proud mother of 2 gorgeous girls who are my whole world Safiya and Aleyna (4 and 3 years old respectively). Definitely my two best friends!

What kind of mother are you?
I am a caring sweet mom, sometimes overly concerned. I’m not strict, but I do attempt to be sometimes, but it doesn’t really work :). My two daughters are my everything. I have built a proper relationship with them, and plan to maintain it. I’m extension, my two girls can always present their problems so that I can do my uttermost best to help them. My mother was the same for us, so she is definitely my role model and I want to pass that on to my children.
What is your daily routine like?
My day starts at 7 AM. I take care of breakfast and bring my kids to school. At 10 A.M I arrive at work. I manage planning and appointments for the day. When I’m home I cook dinner. After that, I give them a bath, and then it is time for bed, I tell them a fairy tale or we read a book and then they go to sleep.
What is your passion?
From our childhood my sister and I had a dream to be part of beauty and fashion industry. Our dream became true and we are currently in this business for about 10 years.
Do you want to tell something more about your work?
Together with my twin sister, Alexandra Kasumyan, we have 2 Beauty salons. You can come to us for things like hair care, hair extensions, but also pedicure, manicure, gel nails, make-up, eyelash eyebrows and much more. We recently started our own makeup line, which is vegan and cruelty-free. We have been working on this for a very long time.
We are also working on our own clothing line. It is almost ready for release, we have put a lot of time, care and love into creating our own vision.

What have you learned from the past two years?
While we went through the pandemic time it affected us financially and mentally, it wasn’t easy, but at the same time I had more time to spend with my kids.
Men would say to me, ‘I don’t know how you’re managing this with kids and your own business, and I’d say, the only reason why I’m able to do this because of my children.
It’s important for my kids to see my work, and to integrate them into that aspect of my life.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
In our spare time we try to do things with the family. Because we have a very busy social life and are constantly among people, we try to travel a lot, so me and my family can rest up, and come back fully loaded.

What would you like to pass on to people who want to start their own business?
Most people talk about finding the balance between work and family – but you talk more about creating the life that lets you be the mom you want to be while creating the business you want to have.
Don’t look at motherhood as the end of your dreams or your personal projects. Motherhood is a stage in your life that will teach you that “giving up” is not part of your plans. And children are not an excuse not to go after what you want. Quite the contrary, they will be your motivation!
Milan & Lias Winter
Hello everybody,
I am Milan, the four years old brother of Lias. And since he was born when I was two and a half, he literally is my brother, which is much more important than being mommy’s baby. That’s why I always run after him when he cries and try to calm him down. Sometimes Lias really wants mommy instead of me to calm him, which is completely incomprehensible to me. I always blow the “ouch” away and sing a song for him, anyway he still wants to go to mommy sometimes. I was a little disappointed about it at first, but now I understand how it works.

Lias is my little brother. He is almost two and really talks a lot for his age. He also copies my most commonly used words – so now my parents have to answer the “why” questions of two little boys already. Very special is, that he doesn’t say my name, even though he could. He always calls me “brother.” I like that a lot because I think this is the most important role, I have in my life so far. I really am the brother.

We really love each other a lot but there are few things Lias really must learn still. E.g., I always will do everything at first and there can’t be a discussion about it. Also, I can use my and his toys whenever I like, but he has to ask and wait for it, when I am already playing with it. Let’s be honest, family can’t work without some rules. These are mine.

Now I introduced you to me and my little brother enough and I will go play in the garden with him.
I wish you a lovely day,
Vegetarian Carbonara
It’s back to school time and kids are running around with an empty stomach. Hurry up mom’s and dad’s. Make sure there is food on the table but… don’t forget, if its not yummy in the tummy we got a problem. How to avoid that ? Just follow my easy and super fast recipe.
Here is what you need !
- 12 oz. fettuccine or other long pasta
- Kosher salt
- 1 lb. asparagus, trimmed, cut into 2" – 3" pieces
- 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
- 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- Freshly ground black pepper
- 3/4 tsp. smoked paprika
- 3 large egg yolks
- 3/4 cup pre-grated vegetarian Parmesan, plus more for serving
Directions : How to cook
Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling generously salted water, stirring occasionally and adding asparagus when pasta has 1 minute left to go, until pasta is very al dente, about 3 minutes less than package directions.
Meanwhile, combine garlic and oil in a medium Dutch oven or other high-sided pot and set over medium heat; season very generously with pepper. Cook, stirring often, until garlic is light golden, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in paprika; set aside.
Place egg yolks in a medium bowl. Scoop out 1 cup cooking liquid from pasta and, whisking constantly, gradually add to egg yolks to temper. Season with salt and pepper; set aside.
Drain pasta and asparagus, reserving 2 cups pasta cooking liquid; transfer pasta and asparagus to pot with reserved garlic oil. Set back over medium heat and toss to coat. Tossing constantly, add 1 cup pasta cooking liquid, followed by reserved yolk mixture, then ¾ cup Parmesan. Cook, tossing constantly and reducing heat as needed to keep mixture below a simmer, until cheese is melted and liquid thickens enough to coat pasta in a glossy, silky sauce, about 5 minutes. (This might be easier on your hands if you use 2 wooden spoons, as though you were tossing a salad, rather than trying to do it with 1 hand and a pair of tongs.) Add more reserved pasta cooking liquid if needed to loosen.
Divide pasta among shallow bowls and top with more Parmesan and a few grinds of pepper.
…and like we say in Italy, buon appetito!
Kamila's Story
Not a flat belly, I always liked eating, especially sweets, but not only. Chips and sour or even healthy snack are welcome as well. The result is of course extra weight and a large BMI. This only strengthened when I was expecting my first baby.
I think that already on the first day of the pregnancy I started craving after various bites and goodies. Result was 40 extra kg! Unwise of me, call me silly or weak but the hunger driven by my mind was unstoppable. How naive was I believing that it will be all gone in several weeks. I really thought in one clear-cut I would be eating more mindful and less. The reality turned out to be opposite, my mind did a good job of convincing me that I’m continuously hungry and it was time to eat.
It took me around 6 years to ignore my rumbling stomach. My figure was slowly reshaping as my energy was flowing back to me. At first, I simply couldn’t get up and exercise or train, to stand up and go for running. Every free moment I would spend on resting and relaxing. Apparently, this was what my body and mind needed.
Slowly and step by step I would start looking better and feeling fitter…. until I got pregnant again. Planned of course, as Nastazja is my long awaited second child. The result? Twenty kg extra on the scale, my hair gone and totally not in shape or in the mood to do anything.
This time I had the advantage of knowing my body, I accepted that the healing and body improvement processes are going slow in my case. That my body needs time to rest first so I could gain energy to be able to train or do any physical effort. Also, this time I set progress gradually and carefully from one stage to the next.

Diet without muffins, cakes and cookies is like a crash diet in my opinion. I started exploring the world of desserts and pastry. Like this I could control the amount of the sugar added, quality of the eggs and flours. In this way I had absolute control of all the ingredients and could make my desserts as healthy as possible. Right now, I regularly make my own sweet courses and fully enjoy the preparation and the final stage which is eating them.
The lesson I’ve learned is that granting ourselves time is important. The other key-value is that we should carefully listen to our bodies and accept that some of us recharge at a different tempo than the others. Last but not least; let’s not compare ourselves with other people. Especially women are good at being cruel.
Acceptance means that I took care of myself as much as I could at that time. What helped me through was meditation, relaxing and many stress-relief practices in the first place.
And now my final message, never stop loving yourself nevertheless your body type or weight. Even in size 46 you can look sooo attractive.
With love and regards!
Follow me on Instagram
@kamila__janiszewska – my personal account
@edugandawa – Polish School EduGandawa
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Kamila Janiszewska