Nora Gharib
- Photographer: Ron Paologilman (@ronpaologilman)
- Model: Nora Gharib (@noragharib)
- Kid Model: Chams
- Hair by: Kings and Queens (@kingsandqueens_hair_laarne)
- Make-up by: Lima Kas (@Lima_kas_official)
- Nora styled by: Didi
- Nora dressed by: Bleu c'est Gris (@bluecestgris)
- Chams styled by: Irene, Doets & Doets
- Chams dressed by: Doets & Doets
- Accessories by: KOCHELLY (@kochelly_com)
- Location:
Nora Gharib: "Solving crimes has always fascinated me, and still does."
01. Dear Nora, please introduce yourself to our GLAM MOM MAGAZINE readers.
My name is Nora Gharib, mom of Miss Chams, 2 years old. I’m 29, an actress and TV-host.

02. Who had discovered your talent? Did you always dream to be famous?
As a child I dreamed of becoming famous one day, just like every child, I think. But it wasn’t something I really cared about. I really wanted to be a detective. Solving crimes has always fascinated me, and it still does. When I was 21, I registered for a singing competition: “K3 Zoekt K3”. I made it to the semifinals there. Then my career started.
03. You are an actress, Television presenter, singer, model. What’s your favorite thing to do?
I really can’t choose. I love doing everything. I like to entertain. I’ve had that since I was young: I was always ready to sing, dance or make jokes. Not much has actually changed.
04. Did Chams already ask you any questions that was awkward for you to answer? And what was it?
Yes, children are full of awkward questions and Chams certainly is too. She communicates well for her age and talks about everything she can. The other day she stood with me in the dressing room while I was changing. She kept looking at me with big eyes and suddenly asked: “Uhm, mom what is that?” as she pointed to my body. Awkward. Don’t know what she was talking about.

05. How is co-parenting working for you?
Very good! Chams is the most important thing to us and nothing else. Fortunately, we found our way to make it work very well.
06. You are a big star in Belgium, any plans to explore your talents in the US?
No, not really. Anything is welcome and I’m open for it. But I really love still being able to travel to other countries and not being recognized. I love it how it is right now.
07. Do you think that you are educating your daughter the same way as your parents?
I have actually never thought about that. In terms of religion, it’s the same. I try to be patient with Chams and always let her do as much as possible herself.
08. How do you manage your busy schedule with being a mom. Any tips for us working mommies?
There are days where I’m still trying to manage it. On top of being very busy, I’m also a single mom. Sometimes 24 hours a day just don’t seem enough. I enjoy my time off with Chams a lot and I try to go on vacations together as much as possible.
09. What is your favorite moment in the day?
The moment I wake up ,Chams is always so sweet and fun. Chams always wakes up right after I whisper her name to wake up. And she always says something very funny when she opens her eyes. Like “I have a present for you” or “we are not going to school right”, “it’s not dark outside”. It just makes my day.
10. How was your experience with the team of glam mom magazine on the shooting day?
I really loved shooting with Glam Mom! It’s such a nice team full of sweet people. Also, Chams had a lot of fun and she completely stole the show. I can’t wait to share the results with everyone!
Castle Ter Lede
Katleen Moonen
I am Katleen, 40 years old, living in Destelbergen. I grew up in a small town right in between Gent and Antwerp, always dreaming of being part of something bigger. My goal as a child was to spread my wings, leave the nest, go live in a true city and make a name for myself. I ended up studying in Gent, got my bachelor degree in graphic and digital media and plunged into the graphical world working for a software company for the packaging industry. Gent became my new home.
I am still working for the same company today, but in the meantime, I started a family. I met my husband, Thomas, 11 years ago and we now have 2 beautiful boys, Bent (8 years old) and Lex (6 years old). I keep on falling in love with all three of them every single day. We are a family of dreamers. We dream big and try to achieve those dreams. It won’t always work out the way we envisioned it in the first place, but we are always looking at fine-tuning our dreams and making them achievable.

The last dream we accomplished was acquiring a castle. We had been dreaming about living in a castle for years and had been visiting any castle in the area coming on the market, but there was this one castle that we wanted to visit, but just got sold before we had the chance to explore. Until 2 years ago, that castle came back on the market and we went for it. It was our dream, we had a vision, but honestly, we didn’t know exactly what we signed up for.
There’s this romantic picture of a castle, and its surroundings, the shiver that goes through your spine every time the gate opens in front of you and you drive down the long drive way, with 80+ years old trees and when you turn around the corner, there’s this magnificent building, big entrance, with pillars and huge stairs (occasionally we put out the red carpet). I always thought that fuzzy feeling would fade away, but until today, I am still amazed by the beauty of the garden, the diversity of fauna and flora, the decorative elements in almost every room, which makes this more than just a house you live in. I genuinely feel connected with it, with its history and its future.
On the other side, it is a lot of work, we are very self-made people, we love to get our hands dirty. My husband is in charge of most of the technical stuff, from fixing the extensive heating system to fixing the elevator, he amazes me every time. I am more in charge of the garden, the fact that it’s so big makes that almost every weekend we are outside, which brings me a great counterweight to my day-job, being stuck at a computer every single day of the week.

I remember being younger and looking up to people, searching for advice on how to handle certain things in life. Right now, we are in this phase of our lives where it’s our turn to inspire others, spreading the word that there’s no harm in dreaming beyond the boundaries you know. Dream big and reach for the stars.
Lots of love
Katleen Moonen
Baby of the Month
This is Kima-Rose, born 17.12.2021 to parents Joris and Anna. Her name is a tribute to her great grandmother Kima and great grand aunt Roza. This makes her half Belgian and half Armenian. Her full name is Kima-Rose De Ruysscher Ohanian. And short, we call her Kiki.

She was born after a cesarian section. This was a semi-traumatic event for her mom, but the birth of her baby made everything worth the while. She is the most positive baby. She laughs when she wakes up and carries this attitude through the day. Dancing is one of her favorite activities, next to sleeping. To the joy of her parents, Kima-Rose is a very good sleeper from the day she was born. She sleeps all night and takes a one to two hours nap by day. The baby is blessed by the most loving family. They take care of her during the week when her parents are out working.
To celebrate a baby’s first tooth we threw a party and during the festivities there is a ritual to decide what the child will become when he/she grows up.
Kima-Rose chose for Designer. Her parents want to motivate her to become whoever she wants to become, but most of all they want her to be happy.
The Fallen Angels in Gent
Ganesha Vancoillie
My name is Ganesha, 46 years young and together with my lovely mom Isabelle Steel we have two beautiful shops in the center of Gent. My mom has the shop this year for 43 years and I have mine for 24 years. Two magical shops near the castle and in the medieval center, a paradise for browers with original old posters, old toys and bears, old tins, postcards from 1900 until 1970 but also a big collection of retro presents, toys like Maileg, Jellycat, Sonny Angels and for 18 years, we also have our own collection that my mom and I make like postcards, posters, tote bags and so on. We are two creative entrepreneurs who love their shops. We are also more than entrepreneurs, we are like coaches for our clients. Lots of people come also to have a talk and I am always grateful that they leave happier than when they came in. I am also very grateful that my mom and I can work together every day. And I am blessed that some clients became friends and family.
With my sweet boyfriend Andy, who I am almost 30 years together (we are like dinos), we have two beautiful, sweet and good-hearted boys, Liam 21 years and Noa 17 and one little star in heaven. They grew up in our shops, and I had help of my parents, parents in law (we are so blessed and grateful with them) and of course Andy who is a fantastic husband and great dad. Andy and I are high school sweethearts, we are like glue, we stick together in good and bad times. Our secret is to talk a lot, to laugh a lot and give each other freedom. He’s my big love, my soulmate, best friend and super dad. My family encourages me in everything I do. A couple of years ago, I won a price that was chosen by the citizens of Gent, “wijste Gentenaar” and I was really grateful with that prize. My family and friends where so proud of me.

They also call me the mom of the entrepreneurs, because I started a platform “Buy, eat, drink local” #ondernemeningentiswijs a few years ago which connects local entrepreneurs with each other, so that we can help each other. The city, Unizo is also in the group, so that they can also help out. I like to connect people and help them to find a place for their business. We all want one thing, to make Gent great, so that everybody comes to shop and eat in our wonderful city. I am a really proud Ghentian, I love my city. The students call me the mom of the students. Gent is a student city and I have a lot of students in our shops and they tell their little or big problems or ask advice. I listen to them, try to give advice, give them a luck stone…. We need to be there for our community. Kindness really matters to me. These young clients keep me also young. I keep my faith, hope, luck, love in our universe. I believe in the universe, in my angels who protect me. I always believed in angels and in the synchronizations of life but when I was younger, I wouldn’t care what people will “think” was my opinion. For 10 years I live and work authentically. If I have a good day, a bad day or emotional day, you can see it, as I will not hide my emotions. I cannot be fake.
On my social media, which is like my old diary, you will see how I live. You see the real Ganesha. The funny Ganesha, the weird Ganesha, the happy one, the emotional one and the real Misses G. I am a highly sensitive person and I feel things differently than others, thanks to my holistic path and my coaches I can protect myself from negative energies. In our shops and at home I always protect and clean it with palo santo, so there are lots of gemstones hidden to protect me. I try to meditate two times a day and sing mantra songs every morning to start my day peacefully.
Working with my lovely mom every day is one of the biggest presents in life. We see and hear each other every day. And 5 min from our shop my dear sister Devi-Shri has a shop called Be-Angeled. We are a big entrepreneur’s family and we love and help each other.
Come visit our magical shops once, take a free smile at my door, get the quote of the day and a free magic stone and have fun in our shops!
Love, Ganesha
PS: My name Ganesha… “Ganesha, also spelled Ganesh, also called Ganapati, elephant-headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors. The name means both “Lord of the People” (gana means the common people) and “Lord of the Ganas” (Ganesha is the chief of the ganas, the goblin hosts of Shiva). Ganesha is potbellied and generally depicted as holding in his hand a few round Indian sweets, of which he is inordinately fond. His vehicle (vahana) is the large Indian bandicoot rat, which symbolizes Ganesha’s ability to overcome anything to get what he wants. Like a rat and like an elephant, Ganesha is a remover of obstacles. The 10-day late-summer (August–September) festival Ganesh Chaturthi is devoted to him.”
Source: Wikipedia
I am very grateful with this name. And a lot of Indian clients are always surprised when I tell my blessed name.
How I didn’t marry my celebrity crush, but ended up being happily married.
The Lawyer Mom: Dagmara's Story
Hello fellow mommas!
While this topic has often come up in conversations with friends – and even my husband – it’s the first time that I’m telling someone this story. My husband and I have joked about our “celebrity crush lists”, basically celebrities we wouldn’t blame each other for running away with, if we had the chance. There’s of course a difference between your celebrity crushes when you were young and celebrities that you like in your thirties.
Well, I’m still here, with my hubby, which says a lot about the bond between us, but allow me to share my story with you. So, if you would ask me if I had a celebrity crush while growing up, I would tell you that I did and if I am being honest, I had a few (like for example the Backstreet Boys), but one of them stood out above the crowd and I was pretty sure that I would marry him, when I would grow up.
Back in 2002 I just moved out from Poland to Belgium and (as social media didn’t exist back then) I would write letters to my best girlfriend, who lived in Poland. We told each other stories about how we would marry our celebrity crush when we would grow up.
I was fourteen years old back then and I was crazy in love with Robbie Williams.
I would hang his posters in my room and I would fantasy about our bright future together.

Having a celebrity crush is just part of growing up, I guess. When we grow a little older and wiser, we decide we are done with the ‘childish’ obsessions. Eventually In 2013 I married my husband, and I feel like I’m the luckiest girl alive. I guess he has something common with Robbie Williams, they don’t look alike but they have similar sense of humor. In 2017 I became a mom for the first time and in 2019 my second child was born.
So now that I’m a parent I often think how to protect my children from many things but also from celebrities and people with a lot of power and bad intentions. I guess there are a few things you can do as a parent of a growing up teenager, namely: being involved but not controlling. Developing an understanding of who and what they are interested in. Also promoting positive role models. Parents are a child’s primary source of learning and massively influence their decisions and attitudes. And last but not least: talk, talk, talk with your children and especially talk to them about the influence of celebrities and powerful people. Ultimately it is about helping them realize the power celebrities have over their fans and thankfully the small number of incidences when that power is abused.
I hope you liked my story and if you are a mom, I wish you to embrace your motherhood and experience all joys of parenting.
Until next time my sweet mommas!
Follow me on Instagram
Beauty Libre
Yamina's Beauty Salon
I am Yamina, 35 years old and living in Ghent (Wondelgem) where I have my salon at home. I’m a proud mother of two children Liam and Liyana. 6 years ago, I started studying again at the Hogeschool in Ghent, specializing in social work, all of this with a lot of help and support from my husband Abdel. In my last year at college, I decided to step into the beauty industry out of passion to look good myself. In 2021 I started my own Beauty Salon called “Beauty Libre”. My husband came up with the idea and I immediately fell in love with it. My salon was completely remodeled and tackled by my husband.
Libre stands for being free of everything! Back then, when I first started, I focused on laser hair removal, yet I felt I was missing something, and I started broadening my knowledge regarding our skin. As women, we all like to look very good and we often hear about Botox and Fillers, but since I have diabetes and I wanted to provide skin tightening in a different way I started looking further. At the moment, my most popular treatment is the HIFU treatment which uses ultrasound and heat to provide a natural lifting of the skin. This is also called a Mini facelift. From the age of 25 we no longer produce collagen ourselves but through this treatment your body starts to produce it again. We can see the results 3-6 months after the treatment.

I also provide em-sculpt treatment where you get an equivalent of 20,000 workouts per treatment through a vibrating plate system. I do want to mention that a healthy diet is a solid basis for the most beautiful effect. Throughout this hectic period of motherhood and being an entrepreneur, I graduated and worked as a teacher. At the same time, I also ran my salon, followed various courses and trainings and now I offer many treatments: Facial treatments, carbon laser peeling, em-sculpt, laser hair removal, hydrajet machine deep cleansing, chemical peeling with the products of Cerepharma and of course not to forget: the Hifu treatment. We start our treatments after a skin analysis and a skin scan so in this way we can see how your skin is doing and which appropriate treatment is best for you.
I started Beauty Libre out of love and self-care as I also very much like to look good and cared for. I treat each person with care and from the vision ‘treat someone the way you want to be treated’. In the meantime, I have built up a very nice clientele and clients come from many areas to get the best possible treatment. My furthest client came from Aachen Germany, other than that, clients come from different areas in Belgium. I educate myself daily and like to keep learning new things to share with my customers and be able to help them better. Meanwhile, clients also know that they can come see mee to help them with all kinds of questions and treatments. Everything starts with treating people the way you want to be treated.
For more information and pictures about all the different treatments; feel free to admire my work on my Instagram page.
Kind regards,
Couscous Bidaoui - Moroccan Couscous with Seven Vegetables
An authentic recipe for Moroccan Couscous with Seven Vegetables, the ultimate comfort food to enjoy with family and friends. Lamb, beef, or chicken is stewed with assorted veggies, then served atop a mound of light, fluffy steamed couscous. A rich broth seasoned with ginger, pepper and turmeric is poured over all or offered on the side.
- 2.2 lb. couscous - (not instant; medium caliber preferred)
- 1/4 cup olive oil or vegetable oil
- 6 cups water, divided (can use milk for final steaming)
- 2 to 3 tsp salt (added after 1st steaming)
- 2 tbsp soft butter - (added after final steaming)
Meat & Broth Seasoning
- 2.2 lb. lamb, beef, or goat meat, large pieces on the bone (or 1 large whole chicken)
- 1 large onion, coarsely chopped
- 3 fresh tomatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped
- 1/4 cup olive oil or vegetable oil
- 1 1/2 tbsp salt
- 1 tbsp ginger
- 1 tbsp pepper
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 handful parsley and cilantro sprigs (tied into a bouquet)
- 2 tsp smen - Moroccan preserved butter (optional; reserve until end of cooking)
Traditional Veggies
- 1/2 cup dried chickpeas, soaked overnight
- 1 small head of cabbage, cut in half or quartered
- 3 or 4 medium turnips, peeled and cut in half
- 8 to 10 carrots, peeled (cut in half lengthwise if large)
- 1 or 2 small tomatoes, peeled, seeded and quartered
- 1 or 2 small onions, cut in half (can use some whole fresh pearl onions instead)
- 1 small acorn squash, quartered (or wedge of pumpkin)
- 4 or 5 small zucchini, ends trimmed (or 8-ball round, cut in half)
Optional Veggies
- 2 or 3 chili peppers or jalapeños (simmer in a little broth or steam until tender)
- 1 cup fresh or frozen fava beans (add with 2nd steaming)
- 2 or 3 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut in half (add with 3rd steaming)
- 1 bottle gourd, peeled, cleaned and cut into large pieces (add with 3rd steaming)
Optional Tfaya
- 1/2 cup raisins (soaked in water for 15 minutes)
- 2 or 3 large onions (preferably red)
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp honey
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp ginger
- 1/4 tsp turmeric
- 1 pinch saffron threads, crumbled
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 tsp orange flower water (optional)
Directions : How to cook
Soak the dried chickpeas in a large bowl of water overnight. (Or, use a quick soak method: boil the dried chickpeas for 4 or 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave them to soak for an hour.)
Wash and prep your vegetables. Start making the tfaya (optional; see Recipe Notes).
Set up an area to work with the couscous. In Morocco we use a gsaa (very wide, shallow serving and mixing dish), but another very large wide vessel or bowl can work. Have oil, water, salt, and butter out and ready. Lightly oil the steamer basket of a couscoussier.
Brown the meat or chicken with the oil, onion, tomatoes and spices in the base of a couscoussier over medium-high heat. Continue cooking, uncovered and stirring frequently, for about 10 to 15 minutes, until a very thick and rich sauce begins to form.
Add the soaked, drained chickpeas along with the parsley/cilantro bouquet and about 3 quarts (or liters) of water. Bring to a boil, cover, and cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes
Drizzle 1/4 cup of oil over the couscous. Toss and roll the couscous around between your hands for a minute to distribute the oil evenly and break up any balls or clumps.Add 1 cup of water and work it into the couscous in the same way – tossing and rubbing the couscous until all is well blended and there are no clumps.
Transfer the couscous to a lightly oiled steamer basket, taking care not to compress the grains in the process. Place the basket on the couscoussier and steam for 15 to 20 minutes, timing from when the steam first appears over the couscous.
Turn the couscous back into your gsaa or bowl. Allow it to cool briefly, then work in 1cup of water, using the same tossing and turning as you did before. (You may need to use a wooden spoon if the couscous is too hot, but move to using your hands when it has cooled enough.)
Add the salt in the same manner, then add in another 1 cup of water. Toss and roll and rub the couscous with your hands for a good minute or two, again making sure there are no balls.Transfer the couscous back to the steamer basket, again taking care not to compress or pack the grains.
Add the cabbage, onions, tomatoes (and fava beans, if using) to the couscous pot, then place the couscous basket on the couscoussier. Steam for 15 to 20 minutes, timing from when you first see steam emerge from the couscous.
Turn the steamed couscous out into your gssaa or bowl.Add the turnips and carrots to the pot; cover and allow them to cook for 15 minutes while you work with the couscous.
In increments, work 2 to 3 cups of water or milk into the couscous in the same manner as before – tossing and turning and rubbing the grains between your hands and making sure there are no clumps. Use only as much water or milk as needed to make the couscous al dente.
Taste the couscous for salt and add a little more if desired. Transfer half of the couscous to the steamer basket, again being careful not to pack the grains.
Add the remaining vegetables to the pot–the squash or pumpkin, the zucchini and the sweet potatoes if using. Top with a little water if the level has dropped below the vegetables. Taste and adjust seasoning–it should be well flavored, a bit salty and peppery.
Place the couscous basket back on the pot and cook until steam begins to emerge from the couscous. Gently add the remaining couscous to the basket and continue cooking. Once you see steam rise from the couscous, allow it to steam for another 10 to 15 minutes, or until light and fluffy and the latest additions of vegetables have cooked.
Turn the couscous out into your bowl and work in the butter. Add the smen (if using) to the broth in the pot and swirl to incorporate.
Work about 1 cup of broth into the couscous, tossing as you did before. Arrange the couscous into a large, shallow mound in your gsaa or on a deep serving platter. Make a large indentation in the middle to hold the meat.
Retrieve the meat from the pot and place in the center of the couscous. Top it with the cabbage and squash or pumpkin. Retrieve the other vegetables from the broth with a slotted spoon and arrange all around meat (in pyramid fashion, if you like). Garnish with the chickpeas (and/or fava beans), chili peppers and even the bouquet of parsley if you like.
Drizzle several cups of broth carefully over the couscous. Offer the remaining broth in bowls on the side.
Tfaya is optional and can be used as a garnish or served on the side.
…and like we say in Morocco, Bssaha!
To fall in love with the father of your children every day again
Nina's Story
Dear Glam Mom Readers,
I am Nina, Mom of the gorgeous little boys Milan (4) and Lias (2). And I am the wife of an amazing man, Fabian. I am one of the lucky ones. I found my soulmate when I wasn’t actually searching for him. I was fourteen when I met him in the first way and for me everything was clear immediately. This is him and there can’t be anyone else out there, who is a better fit for me. Luckily, he felt the same way and we became a couple when I was 17 and he was 21. That’s now 14 years ago and we are still feeling the same for each other. In my marriage speech I told him that I am thankful that we met this early and that I am thankful for every day that is given to us. And I truly am. Every day without him is a wasted day for me. He makes my day easier, brighter, funnier and more glamorous. He gives me joy and shows me how to take every difficult situation easier. He cares for me and I just love him with all my heart since the moment I met him. He is perfect for me. And I knew he would be the perfect partner to have children with. And now we do have.
If you read the abstract, you probably see that I am thinking this is true love and there can’t be anything beyond. And I really thought. But then this person became the father of our firstborn. And this little baby was immediately the most loved person in my life. I don’t want to compare it It’s a completely different kind of love, but it is beyond. To have a child is like seeing your soul in another body.

Our first weeks as a family really were just about getting to know each other and trying to find our new roles as mom and dad. And all of you, who have been through this, know, this is enough. This can be hard and can be very emotional. You can struggle with the lack of sleep, emotions, hormones, pain, parents, in-laws, family generally, paperwork and your partner as well. But if you are lucky, you can enjoy this period regardless of all the struggle. And we did. Although my emotions weren’t always that easy to take. I really can’t take stress well. I sometimes just had to let out my anger. Mostly Fabian was the one who had to take it. And there again I can see that my choice in him was great. I don’t mean that he is never annoyed, when I am annoying, but he does it quite well. He knows how to treat me in a de-escalating and calming way. He never provokes me and he always stays well focused. Probably all of you know how bad it is to argue and let your emotions overwhelm your thoughts and let you say or do things that just hurt the other person. Fabian is not able to do this. He probably never did and I am really thankful for this. Because every argument he shows me with his own behavior, how I could behave better myself.
After some time, we found our way from a couple in love to loving parents. Actually, that’s what we are most of the time: Parents, who are loving the same kids with all our hearts. And this connection is so deep and so pure. You don’t ever have to be worried about the love fading at any point. I am sure that we both will give all of us for these kids. Always and forever. Because he feels the same as I do. These kids are the most important things in the world to us. And we both know that both of us feel the same. To see Fabian being a dad to our children creates so many situations that gives me a crush on my husband again. I totally fall in love with him every time I see him cuddling one or both of the boys. I love to see how proud the boys show daddy newly learned things. I love to see them doing sports or games together. And right now, this is more than enough. Right now, it’s enough to focus together on what we love the most. Right now, we are able to feel connected and in love with each other because of being loving parents. Nevertheless, I would really enjoy having some time for just the two of us one day or the other again. But I am sure this time will come early enough and probably we will miss other things then. I really can’t imagine one of the little boys saying one day: “Mom, I don’t want to be kissed in public.” Also, I don’t want to miss the reply of my hugs one day. It will break my heart, although I know this day might come.
The first situation like this I already managed. I was the most important caregiver for Milan the whole first two years. It was impossible for anyone else to put him to sleep or calm him when he was very sad or in pain. But the moment I stopped breastfeeding him, he decided that he actually doesn’t need me anymore at all. He changed his most important caregiver to Fabian. You know the expression “Every little boy’s first childhood crash is his mom”? Well, for Milan it’s his dad. But that’s fine. I get that. I’m in love with that man too. He is amazing. Fabian really had to do everything. I wasn’t allowed to do the easiest things. If I gave him the water instead of his dad, he would thank this fault with outbursts of rage. But as sad I was about this change of behavior as thankful as I was of the timing. I was almost due with Lias. So, a few weeks later there would come a new little Baby, who needed me a lot. It really was ok for me to give Fabian and Milan their space. Although I really could understand that Milan sees in Fabian this perfect father, who might be the only person, who is able to do all this important stuff (like putting the clothes on, giving Milan the toys that he can’t reach alone, or changing the diapers. So, the really important things. Mom probably does those things the wrong way.) I really understand him, because I can see this perfect man too. And then there was this new baby. So, the bigger space between Milan and Mom was filled with Lias almost right away. Sadly, probably it is not possible for me to always have a new little baby, when the older child begins to find its own way.
It is easier for me when I focus on the development of the children. They must learn to trust other people and they must learn to build relationships with different people. And they must learn to be independent – I want them to develop self- confidence. Probably that’s just possible if they detach little by little from their parents-care. So, I accept the fact that Milan already detached a little from me. And totally agree with him, when he explains to me: “Mom, you chose the best dad.” Because that’s just true. He absolutely has the best dad that I could have chosen. I am blessed with the fact that I can live a happy life with the love of my life and we are blessed with two healthy boys. And I know, this already is more than many people do have. My biggest fear is walking without one of these people for the rest of my life. And right now, we are living in a time, where so many people in the world have to live my biggest fear. I am truly sorry about the amount of pain that so many people have to take. I really am one of the lucky ones and am aware of that.
I hope you also already consider yourself or will consider yourself as one of the lucky ones.
Love and regards,
Nina Winter
LF Trading - Fabrics
Michèle Lievens
In terms of children, I am quite atypical as I was quite young when I had the children. This year I will be 31years old and my daughter Amélie will already be a teenager this year, while son Kamiel will also soon follow at eight years old. I have always lived fast because I am always afraid of missing out on something. Having the children so early gave me the chance to rehabilitate very quickly and get back on my horse quickly, as that is the only sport that allows me to completely clear my head.
As you can count, I did not choose to study at the time, but went to work in my father’s furniture factory from which I then took over part of the business as well, since I was eighteen.

I shouldn’t tell you that there was a lot of change between my eighteen and my thirty years as being in business: meanwhile, four running brands and more than 50% of the time not in Belgium. This partly caused the divorce with my husband with whom I still have a good relationship to this day. Besides their dad, grandma and grandpa help massively to help me balance between work, children, horses and travelling.
A good balance, harmony, energy and tons of love make everything achievable.
With the children, I have an exceptionally strong bond and I am incredibly proud of how independent they already are. They fill my heart every day.
Thank you so much to love the picture!
Kind regards,
Celebrity Crush
Kamilla's Story
As a young girl I was keen on following the news of William, Prince of Wales. He seemed very sympathetic and was also cute and is only two years older than I am. So long my baby crush, because it was soon over. The older Prince William got, the less I liked him visually. Oh irony, now he is not my type at all.
Of course, in my teenage years the celebrity crush got worse. Countless hot actors, movie stars, musicians and singers.
Plenty to choose from. I remember having a poster of Fred Durst (leader of Limp Bizkit) hanging in my room. He did impress me with his alternative vibe. Limp Bizkit was an experimentation of metal music and rap genre, called nu metal. For several years the guy with the red cap was my idol. I knew every song from my head and listened to his albums thousands of times.

All James Bond actors were lady-killers. My favorite special agents were Roger Moore, Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. Although James Bond is a literary, fictional character I am pretty sure it did make many female hearts beat faster. He is masculine, tall, athletic, and a handsome secret agent. Come on, the majority of women would fall for those qualities!
It seems like I am a very sober thinking person. Right now, I don’t have a particular superstar which I am crazy about. The media are full of attractive men, almost every movie supplies us with dozens of good-looking guys.
Happily, my two daughters Runya (12 years) and Nastazja (5 years) are very neutral and resistant to the charms of boys and men at this point. I hope they will stay childish and infantile as long as possible. There is no need to rush, speed this up or hurry up.
Let the kids be kids for now and we will see what it will be in two or three years.
With love and regards!
Kamila Janiszewska
Follow me on Instagram
We hope for a little miracle
Larisa's Story
Hello GMM my name is Larisa,
I live in Belgium and I am a beautician.

I am in a relationship for 5 years with my partner and we have been trying to have a baby for 4 years. Unfortunately, I had 2 times miscarriage and it was very hard period of my life. We are still trying for the last time with IVF. And hoping to have a little miracle in our lives. It’s very emotional and hard for me to talk about this subject but I’m trying to stay and be positive about this. It has sure been a very interesting but challenging time in our lives.
Luckily, I have a supportive family and friends and that helps a lot during such times. At the same time, I am focused on my beauty salon and working hard to build my own business. My passion is to make people feel good, feel beautiful and most importantly to make them relax. My clients are always pampered by me with passion and love.

I love to take care of the body and soul. By having a lovely conversation with my clients. It’s my pleasure to see them smile and leave my beauty salon with a great feeling and a clear mind. My target in life is to be happy and to make others happy. And I’m hoping to become a glam mom like all the glam mom magazine readers.
Many ask “what if your baby wish doesn’t come true“?
My answer is “life goes on, not everyone is meant to be a mother”. Of course, I will always ask myself how it would be if I was a mother, but then again, I’ll just focus on other things. I’m glad I have many friends who have children and I get so much love from them and that already will make me happy. Meanwhile I’m excited to take care of my clients and working to grow my business and get more successful each year. You are all welcome to visit my salon, I promise to take good care of you because Lis joy is all about the joyful experience.
Your PHI Academy Master
Lima Kas
As an entrepreneur and mother of two children, I am constantly on the move. My days consist of getting on and off planes, helping and supporting women all over the world to create self-confidence. I am Lima Kas, and my passion for beauty and permanent make-up has brought me where I am now: owner of a beauty clinic in Antwerp.
In my salon I receive famous Flemish people, influencers and all other women and men who want to experience my advice and skills. I help my clients create a natural look that suits their personality. This goes way beyond permanent makeup because I believe it’s important to help women through their little insecurities instead of changing them.

Recently I also started a collaboration with Dr. Parrice Mansour, a cosmetic doctor who specializes in Botox and fillers injectables. I believe that these treatments, in combination with my permanent makeup, will give women the opportunity to bring out their natural beauty while reducing their insecurities.
My journey as an entrepreneur has not always been easy. I had to fight several times for what I wanted to achieve. But my passion and dedication got me there. It gives me enormous satisfaction to be able to help women and make them shine with self-confidence.

When you sit in my chair, you are not only a customer, but also a friend. Together we ensure that you feel your best, both inside and out.
Love Lima