Francesca Cenci
- Model: Francesca Cenci (@dr.francescacenci)
- Kid Models: Nicoló Allgauer & Bianca Allgauer
- Photographer: Eliszbeth Lens (@elizabeth_lens_ph)
- Make-up by: Irene Foschetti (@irymakeup)
- Dress on the cover by: Giovanni de Fazio (@giovannidefazioofficial)
- Dress on the cover by: Arthur Klein Agency (@arthurkleinagency)
- Jewelry by: MT (@emmet_jewelry)
- Location: Hotel Serenella Sirmione (@hotelserenella)
Francesca Cenci: "Be yourself, Love yourself and do things without fear."
01. Dear Francesca, tell us about yourself.
Hello dear Glam Mom Readers,
at first many thanks to give me the opportunity of this cover and this interview, I’m happy to tell you more about myself. I’m Francesca Cenci, mother of two: Nicoló 12 years old and Bianca nine years. I am a psychologist, I live with my children and my pets (a little parrot, a dog and two hamsters). My kids and I love animals very much! I got divorced when my son was five and my daughter was two years old, so I live alone with them for many years. When my husband left us, it was a difficult moment, but even that could not break me down, so I started a new life. I was working a lot and started to realize my personal dreams. At first, I wrote my first book, then I started to be a guest in tv shows and a lot of beautiful things started happening. I think these difficulties made us stronger.

02. Dream team, you have a boy and a girl. With whom are you more connected your son or daughter?
Oh my God, I cannot reveal this thing, it’s absolutely top secret! I’m joking… but I can say that my boy is more similar to me in his personality, very generous and social, so we are very connected but we also collide with each other very often. Instead, my girl is very different (she is like my mom) and so I appreciate a lot of her strength, independence, freedom and everything that is different than me, even if sometimes I don’t understand some things.
03. You are a psychologist, a mom, tv star and a businesswoman. If you could choose only one of these professions, what would it be?
Absolutely a Mom. I could renounce everything in life, but not to be a mom. It’s the best thing a woman could be and could do, so it’s the best choice in my life. My children are everything to me.
04. You chose to also include your puppy in the photo shoot. Do you treat your dog as one of your babies?
I love animals since I was a child, but I didn’t have pets, because my father didn’t want animals at home so when I went to live on my own, it was the first thing I got. Now, my kids always have had pets in their life. I think that pets have a big heart and great emotions, and they love us in such a real way, differently from the human love and sometimes even better. Rexy is totally part of the family, but it is a puppy, not a baby and I just think that pets are happier when we love them as animals and not as babies. With respect and comfort absolutely, but like animals.

05. What was the hardest thing to do in your life as a mom so far?
It’s not easy to be a mom and a woman who work intensively and when my children were younger it was very hard for me. Fortunately, I have a wonderful family which helps me every day with my kids: my mom is a great cooker, my dad is a teacher for their homework and my aunt is a wonderful woman who is a big help to me in everything, a sort of Mary Poppins. I’m a lucky woman.
06. Can u give us mom’s one golden advice as a psychologist?
Be yourself, love yourself and stop to be afraid to do something wrong. Everybody makes mistakes, no mother is perfect, so do your best and that’s enough! No fear and be yourself. It’s absolutely enough!
07. Any new year resolutions?
I’m trying to export my books translated in all European countries and therefore I’m working hard to reach this goal.

08. What does it mean for you to be a mother?
For me to be a mother means to put my kids first in life, even if this involves a lot of renounce and fatigue. It’s really hard work, but it’s really the best one!
09. Any exiting news you want to share with “Glam Mom Magazine” readers?
Yes! I’m working on a new big project with other amazing people, and I hope it will all go the right way so I can share this wonderful news with everybody in the future.
10. How was your experience with the Italian “Glam Mom Team” and how did your shooting day go?
It was a very cute day, we laughed a lot, amazing team, very professional, the location was comfortable and beautiful, warm and stylish, typically Italian. A very funny episode happened: when we arrived to Sirmione (2 hours far from home) I realized that I have everything in detail for the shoot (children dresses, puppy meal, shoes, accessorizes, body cream, makeup, really everything!) but not the most important thing: my dresses. Oh my God, I forgot my beautiful dresses which my sponsor “Giovanni De Fazio” had sent me. So, we went around Sirmione for shopping and luckily, I found three outfits which were a fit for the shooting. Panic, but then we found a partial solution. We laughed a lot! Fortunately, we had a second shooting coming up in my house to finalize the pictures and there I had all the dresses I had originally chosen for Glam Mom Magazine!
Magalie : Absolutely Pawfect

My name is Magalie, founder of Absolutely Pawfect.
During the spring of 2019 I decided to make a scarf for my dog, Silver – better known as Silver the Sheltie! When it turned out that I wouldn’t get very far with a needle and thread, I went to my grandmother’s house and we got her 60-year-old sewing machine from the attic. Somewhat awkwardly, I learned to sew Silver’s first bandana. The hours passed and I started thinking about the possibilities of making similar bandanas for different dogs. My love for dogs in combination with my studies Marketing Management offered me the opportunity to take on a challenge in which I could be completely myself: starting a web shop with handmade bandanas for dogs. In the meantime, this web shop has grown into a platform full of handmade, self-designed bandanas and bowties and an exclusive product range for dogs (mums).
What sets Absolutely Pawfect’s bandana collection apart from the rest?
The fabrics I collect are always Oeko-tex certified, pleasant for your dog to wear and with a link to recent fashion trends. Furthermore, the bandanas are distinguished by the provision of a dog-friendly and safe closure. By attaching Velcro (instead of tying a knot) I create extra comfort and safety during your (and your dog’s) daily life. Finally, I want to create ultimate ‘wow’ and moments of happiness with the entire product range at Absolutely Pawfect. From putting a smile on your face when you receive your package to the “ohhh” and “ahhh” moments you experience when your friends and family see your Absolutely Pawfect products wearing.

And uh, what else are you doing?
In addition to the time, I spend producing seasonal collections, I adopted a Scottish Collie in the winter of 2022 and organize dog (owner) events 2 to 3 times a year. From Christmas markets to an Easter egg hunt and a Halloween walk in October. This gives me the opportunity to get to know my customers and they can share their experiences with me. But also, to be able to meet the faces behind the social media accounts in real life! (Because now I mainly know the name and the face of the dog.)

Last but not least…
Before the concept of Absolutely Pawfect came into being, I already went through life as ‘photographer Magalie’. I have been practicing various professional forms of maternity photography for about ten years and have also included dog photography (read: puppies, seniors, cake smashes) in my portfolio. Finally, at the beginning of September 2022, I started my ultimate dream and opened a physical store in which I can offer the online range of Absolutely Pawfect for sale, as well as have my photo shoots continue in a professional studio.
Hopefully I’ll see you soon in my (web) shop, you’re pawsome!
Magalie Aspeele
Pizza Prosciutto e Funghi
Who doesn’t love pizza? This time, instead of ordering it, try making one of the most popular authentic italian pizzas yourself!
Serves: 4
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: not too tricky
- 1 ½ cup fresh basil
- 1 cup tomato sauce
- Pizza dough
- 1 cup shredded cheese
- 5/6 slices ham
- 1 cup sliced cooked mushrooms
Directions : How to cook
Trim your basil and add it to your tomato sauce.
…and like we say in Italy, buon appetito!
Kamila's Story
13 years ago, I was at a book shop, one position of children’s book “Runya the fire elf” drew my attention. Its purple cover, the little fire elf and especially such a pretty name for a girl – RUNYA – a name from a fairy tale. Instantly I wished I had a Runya. Not just a girl, not just any daughter, in my mind I referred to my firstborn as Runya. Believe it or not but one week later I was pregnant and after 9 months I was holding my Runya tight in my arms.
Such a sweet, quiet baby girl. Very empathic child, soft and good by nature. She would usually listen to me, a model child who didn’t have to give any warnings or ask things twice. Runya’s appearance was also unique. She was very slim and tall, her blue eyes were so bright and big. She didn’t look like me but was like the clone of her father. Till today Runya is a copy of Sven. RUNYA – My miracle, my firstborn child that I’ve whispered to before she was even there, my fairy tale girl. After several years I longed for the miracle of life again. This time getting pregnant took 22 months. Couples that are trying to get a baby and have fertility issues understand surely how difficult and nervous that time feels like. Finally, I saw two stripes on the pregnancy test. It was indescribable how happy I was. Runya turned 6 already, she was very aware of the fact that there is a sibling of her growing in my belly.

Nastazja felt rebellious. It was obvious that my second child will have a strong temperament and iron will. She was my victory, although she was my second daughter, she came to this world in the natural way of birth. From the first moment I knew that Nastazja would be a tough one. That child was constantly stretching and moving. A baby so dependent, crying all days and nights long and so attached to me mentally and physically. Till today (she is 5 and half) Nastazja sleeps with me and asks for my continuous attention. Thanks to my family and friends I am able to rest on a regular basis as girls go to my mom or brother for a sleepover almost weekly. I am very thankful that I can work part time. The Polish School EduGandawa I’ve been running for 7 years now is very demanding but absorbs me in the weekends especially. In this way I achieved a flexible schedule which allows me to find time for myself, meditation and rest. I cook, clean, train (jogging and yoga), do a lot of things for mindfulness and relaxation. Three times a week I work at a corporation and most Saturdays I’m at school. Students are children and it is the children that I love the most. A perfect alliance.
My ultimate dream was to have four babies but with very heavy endometriosis I don’t get pregnant anymore. There are several options to go for another pregnancy, sure they are and for instance I even tried one of them. I made a summary of good and bad sides and I have given up. My both daughters Runya and Nastazja are naturally conceived. Apparently, I wasn’t determined enough for the in-vitro procedure. I’m a mother of two and my wish for children isn’t satisfied. It would be great to have two sons on top of it, twins by preference. But if the perspective of becoming a mother again means hormonal therapy and other preparations for the in-vitro fertilization then I give up.
Right now, I am enjoying my own children and trying to help and make change anywhere else when the children are involved.
With love and regards!
Kamila Janiszewska
Follow me on Instagram
@kamila__janiszewska – my personal account
@edugandawa – Polish School EduGandawa
Nina's Story
Dear Glam Mom Readers,
I am Nina, the mom of Milan and Lias. Maybe you already know them from the siblings of Issue 12. Milan is the older one of them. He is 4 years old and since he is 2 years and 5 months old, he is already an older brother. Lias is the second heart breaking baby boy in my life. I’m very glad I didn’t have both of them together during that nicely named “autonomy phase”. Their age difference was perfect in that regard. Milan just quit when Lias stepped in. Of course, it’s wonderful to watch them grow, to see them ask for more independence and discover their very own character, but as an accompanying parent it also takes a lot of strength to go through this time with these little humans. Let me just share some of my moments from this time.
There was this moment last week. No, excuse me, to be completely accurate, it wasn’t a moment. It was a half-hour scene. Lias was on my arm looking up at the sky. It was getting a little dusky and the moon had reached its full size. It was really a big moon. I looked at it briefly and then continued to organize the kids to park their cars so that we could finally go inside and have dinner. I asked Milan to bring his bike into the garage and went to clean up some toys with Lias when suddenly Lias stretched his arms to the sky. “Mommy, give me ball?” I looked at Lias and followed his finger with my eyes to the sky. I realized it must be the moon. I thought that might be the cutest thing I’ve heard all day. I hugged him, gave him a kiss and told him that it was the moon and not a ball. He looked at me and begged “Give me moon … ball?” I replied that I couldn’t because I couldn’t reach it. That’s when he got angry, “Want moon, want moon, want ball!” I put him on the floor and got another ball to distract him from the moon. But no chance. He decided he wanted the moon and realized that wasn’t going to happen. So, this poor little boy had to endure these tremendous emotions that were overtaking his little body. He just wasn’t able to take that anger. I could see this emotion floating his whole body. He felt it in his face and in his stomach, and when it reached his legs, they failed. He threw himself on the floor and screamed. He was full of emotions, and they overwhelmed him for 20 minutes. My voice could not reach him and my touch was too much. He was drowned in his pain and I was not able to help him out. After 20 minutes, he stopped screaming. I sat next to him on the floor and tried to touch him. Now I was allowed to. I petted his back and asked him to come back into my arms. He looked at me and started crying again. But he covered his face in my arms while he cried. For the next few minutes, he was still very sad, but now it was a little better because he felt the comforting closeness.
You know this situation was not self-made. I really had no way to stop this waterfall of anger, but sometimes I do. Sometimes it’s a simple question I have to answer for myself. Is it worth it? Can I let them have their way or do I have to force mine? And sometimes I have to enforce my will. For example, when I decide that going outside naked when it’s only 12 degrees is not an option, even though this little self-thinking person is completely sure of his own decision. Or as in simple rules that are important to me. Like wearing a helmet when riding a bike or changing diapers when they are full. And arguing over these never-ending all-day issues can get really annoying sometimes.

But the most difficult task for me with children of this age is buying groceries together with them. My kids get to take a shopping cart for themselves, while I have a big one for the actual shopping. Of course, they want to fill their own shopping cart, and they love feeling like a grown-up doing these things that mom also does. And I love watching them do it. But there are also many difficult situations and I must be there with my eyes everywhere. One day or another I see them going to things that might break or are expensive. So, I just try to be by their side really quickly and help finish their plot with my hands. Sometimes that works, too. Most of the time they scream “AAAAALONE!!!” Then I sit next to them and beg them not to drop it on the floor. Of course, they already broke things in some stores. One time Milan had a cup in his hands and was so proud of that cup. He really wanted to carry that cup to the other side of the table by himself. He was very eager and gentle and tried so hard to put it back on the table. But those little arms were too short and the cup was too heavy. And it didn’t work. He dropped the cup on the floor, 2 inches from the tabletop, in the middle of the interior store. I felt very sorry. And so was he. You could see a whole world come crashing down on him. He was so enthusiastic about this cup that he could carry it by himself and the next moment it was lying in shards on the floor. The cup and the enthusiasm.
The autonomy stage is a lot about enthusiasm. Like enthusiasm for toys, they just discovered that they can’t share, return, or just leave at the toy store. Or like the excitement of learning new things just to be able to do something new, to feel autonomous. I see the boys very often being so proud of something they just tried on their own and realizing that it really worked. Like Milan, who once came down the stairs with a proud smile on his face. I noticed different clothes than the ones he was wearing a few minutes before. I also perceived that the pants were backwards. And I perceived that the t-shirt was the one from the laundry basket he had filled with yogurt yesterday. Milan called out, “Mooooommy?” I looked at him, waiting for him to speak. He told me, “I put on new clothes” … “I did it” … “by myself” … “all alone.” I gave him a hug and just told him that it was pretty cool that he did it on his own. I could feel his pride in my chest too. It really is pretty cool to be able to put on new clothes by yourself! Damn, cool kid! I ignored the mismatched pants until he wanted to ride his bike, and I ignored the stains on his t-shirt. Actually, I’m pretty good at ignoring stains on clothes since Lias started eating on his own. So, Lias is allowed to eat on his own. And he’s happy doing it, and he’s dirty doing it. Sometimes while Lias is eating, I catch myself feeling my anger increasing. It really is often a mess and who has to clean it up? And who already cleaned it up before?
But on the other hand, I also love to see how he analyzes the spoon and figures out how he has to handle it to get the porridge into his mouth. Of course, while trying, most of the porridge did not reach his mouth but I really was able to watch him learning. And after six tries of not getting the porridge in his mouth, he knew how to handle it. He ate the rest of the porridge successfully. The whole meal was so much fun for him and he really enjoyed learning and eating. So, in my opinion, it was worth it. And it didn’t take me not too much to change his over and over with mash covered clothes and clean the table, the chair, the floor and yes, his hair. But sometimes it takes me too much. Sometimes it’s not possible to let them do exactly what they want. Because sometimes we have to hurry and sometimes, I want them to be clean or I want our dining table to stay clean. And in those situations, I have to put up with their frustration, their screaming, their tears and try to stay calm, listen to their protest but stay determined and walk with them through their anger about it.
I know these little humans are discovering their own will and how to get their will. And that is exactly what I want them to do. I want them to be strong in what they want and what they don’t want. I want them to be able to tell people where their personal boundaries are. And I want them to learn to struggle with different opinions and the resulting emotions in a good way. But the way to become a person who is able to do that is to be a child who learns to do that.
P.S. The fact that Lias just started kindergarten gives me five hours a day of kid-free time now. I can probably use that to separate things I have to do from the kids’ afternoon. I hope this will reduce the amount of trouble. But on the other hand, kindergarten acclimatization can also take a lot. Of course, a lot from the child itself, but also from all the other people involved. Next time I would like to share my thoughts about the two kindergarten acclimatization that I have experienced.
With love and regards!
Nina Winter
Freedom and Self-Acceptance
Alyson Thaels
// About Me
My name is Alyson Thaels, I am 29 years old and passionate about emotions. I reconnected with photography, because I was missing something in my life and I wanted to capture the human being in its simplicity and authenticity.
I use my art to reflect love, poetry, madness and that moment when feelings spark. But it’s bringing into light the essence of motherhood and the human body that makes me vibrate. I created the project “You R. Project (You Are)” to promote and encourage love, freedom and self-acceptance.

// Lisa:
“When I saw the breastfeeding photos, I had shivers all over my body. These are natural pictures and yet they make you feel powerful emotions.
When I became a mother, I wanted to breastfeed and I thought it was going to be instinctive… it was quite the opposite. But the photos made me feel proud of the progress that I made and of my perseverance. When I look at them, I can stare in awe for minutes. I wish I could always remember those moments when I was living in symbiosis with my baby.
When I was younger, I didn’t have so much self-confidence but looking at my breastfeeding pictures make me feel strong. It makes me want to breastfeed everywhere and all the time, without embarrassment. Breastfeeding is indescribable, powerful and comforting.”

// Sacha:
“The first feeling I had when I have seen my photos was “pride”. It was, I think, one of the first times since I gave birth when I felt proud. Proud of myself. Proud to be the mother that I am and that I am becoming. Proud that I would have try everything to breastfeed but also proud that it is now a memory and that I have stopped.
Thanks to the pictures, I felt beautiful, pretty and proud of my body. It was the first and only time I’ve felt this since giving birth. Again, it made me feel proud to see captured the already existing complicity between my baby and me. And proud to see my tribe from another angle. I am so happy to have these memories. It’s so important!”

Thanks a lot for sharing my work!
Alyson Thaels
Follow me on Instagram